On a hot Saturday..Only coconut drink can do the work..
According to the smarty pants people, The English name coconut, first mentioned in English print in 1555, comes from the Spanish and Portuguese word coco, which means "monkey face." Spanish and Portuguese explorers found a resemblance to a monkey's face in the three round indented markings or "eyes" found at the base of the coconut.
On the Nicobar Islands of the Indian Ocean , whole coconuts were used as currency for the purchase of goods until the early part of the twentieth century.
Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, botanically known as cocos nucifera, with nucifera meaning "nut-bearing." The fruit-bearing palms are native to Malaysia , Polynesia and southern Asia, and are now also prolific in South America , India , the Pacific Islands , Hawaii and Florida . The light, fibrous husk allowed it to easily drift on the oceans to other areas to propagate.
In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha, meaning "tree which gives all that is necessary for living," because nearly all parts of the tree can be used in some manner or another.
The coconut fruit has many food uses for its water, milk, meat, sugar, and oil. It also functions as its own dish and cup. The coconut's name is a bit of a misnomer, since it is botanically classified as a drupe and not a nut. It is the largest seed known.
As for me not wanting to miss out the miracle that a coconut can do. I drank plus eat the whole coconut all alone.....*mwahahahahahahaha* It really gives me more energy for another hectic week ahead !
The coconut fruit has many food uses for its water, milk, meat, sugar, and oil. It also functions as its own dish and cup. The coconut's name is a bit of a misnomer, since it is botanically classified as a drupe and not a nut. It is the largest seed known.
As for me not wanting to miss out the miracle that a coconut can do. I drank plus eat the whole coconut all alone.....*mwahahahahahahaha* It really gives me more energy for another hectic week ahead !
Come on Clara...I know you can open the coconut !

coconut gal~
another childish blog
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