Geez...Its already Sunday today...I have already been working in IBM for one week...Its kinda tiring actually....Now I understand why working people always says that they are tired...I totally understand it...Please believe it...Okey now...Lets compare during college days and working days..I want to go back to study times..But there are always advantages and disadvantages at both sides...Depends on how you look at it actually...:D...During college time I usually sleep at about 12am-1am...But when I started working...At 10.30pm I am all ready to go to bed...Not I want to but I just feel so tired like the clock is already showing 12am...=.=...I just dont understand why when we start to work the time passes so damn fast...I hardly have time for myself...For example like today....I hardly got the time to rest because i was doing some house chores and in a blink of an eye its already night time and here I am...The worst thing is tomorrow is MONDAY and I have to go to work !!! I hate it ~!!! But the best part of working is that i get $$$$$ and more $$$$$$$ for my shopping spree....LOL ~
Lets briefly talk about my first week of work...The first week can be described in one word that is BORED...The first day I really felt so out of place...Like nobody cares about me...My team members and even my boss...My boss is a lady !!!!!! ALERT !!! Lady usually very strict....I hope she treat me nice because I am such a nicey myself...He he...She just gave me some notes to read...The notes are so damn bloody long...And it makes me damn sleepy...For the next 2 days i was just staring blankly at the notes...Because she say that my Think Pad will only be arriving on Friday..On the first day I also got my ID done...Lets have a look at IBMers ID...
All I have is a camera handphone ! :(
On Thursday, our team had an education meeting...And guess what !!!! The meeting lasted for 2.5 hours without any break...OMG...Can you just imagined it !!! During college times even a 2 hours lecture also we will have atleast a 10 minutes break...The meeting was longer then that !!! Save me... But i managed to make it through the meeting alive and in one piece...Ha ha ~~ After working one week there I still feel like nobody cares about me...Wu wu wu wu...Am i supposed to be independent ? Actually I have alot of questions to ask..My boss is a busy lady as usually...She is a manager....For your information my team is taking care of the country Thailand...:):) Something new for me...I had never learn anything about the country Thailand before nor have I visited the country...
On Friday I had a training the whole day but we do have breaks in between...It was not very boring...I learned alot about IBM's history and the people working in IBM are called as IBMers...Cool right :):)...During training actually I wanted to take a photo of the place but the room is always filled with people so I did not have the chance to do so...So the posting this time is very boring because mostly words and no visuals...Before I attend this training I had no idea of what IBM stands for...IBM stand for International Business Machines...For me I kinda feel the name not so suitable for an international company....LOL ~~
One last advice for those who will be going out to work soon...Please do enjoy your college days because that's all the time you can have fun...According to my brother: During school days we had 2 months holiday, when we come to college days we had 2 weeks holiday and when we finally arrived in the working world we only have 2 freaking days holiday that are Saturday and Sunday...So sad right ???

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