Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Date: 19th to 21st July 2008
Present: My dad, my mum and me :)
Calm scenery
I always wonder how come every time i sit the aeroplane i will be given the seat next to the wings >.<".
Its lunch time...Yay !!
The aeroplane's food still edible la...:)
This prawns was kinda scary so i decided not to eat :P They were swimming so actively and i don't want them to be doing that in my tummy >.<
Food food foooooooood and more fooooooooood pictures....yum yum *-)
Unknown fish...:X
The doctor says : A plate of vegetables a day keeps me away !
Last random picture to end my posting...I was walking around the town and i came across this mamak stall...Check it out ~
Have you all detected the error yet ? Ha ha...Let me explain..It shows 24 hours right so i think that means it should be open 24 hours...You see i also see...So no wrong...Next explanation...One day only got 24 hours right ? or there is 25 hours that i don't know ? Conclusion.. The stall supposed to be open 24 hours...LOL !!
Present: My dad, my mum and me :)
I always wonder how come every time i sit the aeroplane i will be given the seat next to the wings >.<".
The aeroplane's food still edible la...:)
Ermmm...actually i did not really have a great time in KK except for the second last day at night where my god brother's aunty brought us around the KK town and One Borneo the shopping mall...And the best part is during the journey i did not bring my camera...Sad :( The uncle also brought me to meet up with yun yuan also..I was delighted :)...We had alof of nice food...But me and my parents also sure did not just sit in the hotel and do nothing right...We made it to the Philllipine market, Gaya street and the Kraft Center and not forgetting dinner we went to The Ocean King Restaurant...
Food food foooooooood and more fooooooooood pictures....yum yum *-)
Last random picture to end my posting...I was walking around the town and i came across this mamak stall...Check it out ~
1 comment:
lol very observant with the last photo. =)
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