Monday, August 10, 2009


A breakthrough is when you have struggled hard enough and long enough that you finally see things clearly. You may have been struggling with a problem in your life for days, weeks, months and even years and then POW ! the answer is so clear you wonder what took you so long. Do not give yourself a hard time if you think you should have seen the light a lot earlier. You never could have had your breakthrough without going through your process.

Often the most frustrating days are the days when you are making the most progress.
There are major breakthroughs and minor ones. The major ones do not come along that often.They are usually slow in your process because it takes time for all the elements of your life to come together.The minor breakthroughs, how ever, can happen on a daily basis.Recovering from a heartbreak is hard work. But if all you are doing is struggling, then you may need to look at your minor breakthroughs and congratulate yourself on moving forward in your life, even if feels that it is going at a snail's pace. Any progress is progress.When you have a major breakthrough you may want to celebrate by calling a friend, going to a party or patting yourself on the back. It is good to acknowledge your great achievement. Then get back to LIFE !

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